06. Zhe Bu Shi Ai Qing (This Is Not Love)

Tuesday, January 11, 2000
Zhe Bu Shi Ai Qing (This Is Not Love)
By: Weibird (William) Wei/Wei Li An/韋禮安
Album: Someone Is Waiting

不是曖昧 和心跳 巧克力 和情調
bu shi ai mei, he xin tiao, qiao ke li, he qing diao
It's not ambiguity, your heart beating, chocolate, and sentiment

織圍巾 送蛋糕 會臉紅 心偷笑
zhi wei jin, song dan gao, hui lian hong, xin tou xiao
Knitting scarves, giving cakes, blushing, secretly giggling

女孩這不是愛情 他只是煩惱
nu hai zhe bu shi ai qing, ta zhi shi fan nao
Girls, this isn't love; He's only annoyed


等待她的笑 付出不求回報
deng dai ta de xiao, fu chu bu qiu hui bao
Waiting for her smile, giving and wanting nothing in return

她隨傳 你隨到 獻殷勤 對她好
ta sui chuan, ni sui dao, xian yin qin, dui ta hao
Following wherever she goes, being a gentleman, treating her well

男孩這不是愛情 是你愚蠢的徵兆
nan hai zhe bu shi ai qing, shi ni yu chun de zheng zhao
Boys, this is not love; It's your own foolish ideas


因為 愛情不是鮮花水果
yin wei, ai qing bu shi xian hua shui guo
Because love isn't fresh flowers and fruit

na zhong dong xi zhi shi he bai shen fou
Those things are only good for worshiping at the temple

任你燒香磕頭 愛情也不會輕易開花結果
ren ni shao xiang ke tou, ai qing ye bu hui qing yi kai hua jie guo
No matter how you burn incense or bow, love won't easily flower and give fruit

愛情只是求上帝保佑 自己不會後悔這麼做
ai qing zhi shi qiu shang di bao you, zi ji bu hui hou hui zhe me zuo
In love you can only pray to God that you won't regret what you're doing

天崩地裂後 甘願重頭來過
tian beng di lie hou, gan yuan chong tou lai guo
After heaven and earth are torn asunder, you'd willingly do it over again


冷戰和爭吵 會嫉妒 發牢騷
leng zhan he zheng chao, hui ji du, fa lao sao
Cold wars and noisy arguments, there will be envy and whining

你無禮 她取鬧 疲倦了 受不了
ni wu li, ta qu nao, pi juan le, shou bu liao
You're rude, she's annoying, exhausted, you can't take it

客官這就是愛情 一杯Latte糖抽掉
ke guan zhe jiu shi ai qing, yi bei latte tang chou diao
Friends, this is love; A latte with no sugar


因為 愛情不是鮮花水果
yin wei, ai qing bu shi xian hua shui guo
Because love isn't fresh flowers and fruit

na zhong dong xi zhi shi he bai shen fou
Those things are only good for worshiping at the temple

任你燒香磕頭 愛情也不會輕易開花結果
ren ni shao xiang ke tou, ai qing ye bu hui qing yi kai hua jie guo
No matter how you burn incense or bow, love won't easily flower and give fruit

愛情只是求上帝保佑 自己不會後悔這麼做
ai qing zhi shi qiu shang di bao you, zi ji bu hui hou hui zhe me zuo
In love you can only pray to God that you won't regret what you're doing

天崩地裂後 甘願重頭來過
tian beng di lie hou, gan yuan chong tou lai guo
After heaven and earth are torn asunder, you'd willingly do it over again


ai qing bu shi xian hua shui guo
Love isn't fresh flowers and fruit

na zhong dong xi zhi shi he bai shen fou
Those things are only good for worshiping at the temple

任你燒香磕頭 愛情也不會輕易開花結果
ren ni shao xiang ke tou, ai qing ye bu hui qing yi kai hua jie guo
No matter how you burn incense or bow, love won't easily flower and give fruit

愛情只是求上帝保佑 自己不會後悔這麼做
ai qing zhi shi qiu shang di bao you, zi ji bu hui hou hui zhe me zuo
In love you can only pray to God that you won't regret what you're doing

天崩地裂後 甘願重頭來過
tian beng di lie hou, gan yuan chong tou lai guo
After heaven and earth are torn asunder, you'd willingly do it over again


愛情只是求上帝保佑 自己不會後悔這麼做
ai qing zhi shi qiu shang di bao you, zi ji bu hui hou hui zhe me zuo
In love you can only pray to God that you won't regret what you're doing

浪漫不是愛情 愛情是浪漫的後果
lang man bu shi ai qing, ai qing shi lang man de hou guo
Romance is not love, love is what comes of romance

Zhe Bu Shi Ai Qing, lyric translation by XiaoZero
Feel free to correct any mistakes! ^_^'


Anonymous said...

Awwww... The lyrics are so cute and thank you for the translation. I wouldnt have understood the sing with it. 감사합니다 우리 친구야!

Jeanette said...

Thank you! I heard this song in Refresh Man and fell in love with it despite having no idea what he was singing. The way he lists things in the beginning was just so cute even when I couldn't understand it. It makes me happy. Now I'm trying to learn the words so I can sing along.