
[Synopsis from DramaWiki]
Jiro Wang 汪東城
Cheng Yu Xi 程予希
Hwang In Deok 황인덕
Evan Yo 蔡旻佑
Episodes 1-13 complete!
A huge thank you to Viv, who did most of the translating for me! ^^
Stylized Softsubs To watch with HD video raws | Watch Online Hardsubbed, standard quality |
Thanks a lot for subbing this drama, I was looking like crazy LOL!!
Thank you so so sooooooo much for deciding to sub this drama!!!!
Thank you for subbling it! Keep up the great work!!! :)
After I click download for the 1st part, it says page not found... I'm downloading 2nd part right now and it's ok. Could you check it? :)
Thank you in advance!
Thanks for letting me know! I redid the link (I'm not sure if it changed anything, but it looks correct). See if it works now.
No, it's still says the same... I even restarted my PC... And it's weird cause I've already downloaded part 2 and 3... only the 1st one doesn't work...
Darn. It works for me. Well then, I re-uploaded part 1 onto a different site. Try this link:
Ok! I got it! Thank you very much and sorry for the inconvenience! :)
I don't know if I'm asking something crazy, but would it be possible to give me to subs in a .srt file? I really like "Fabulous boys" and download the episodes in HD, because I want to keep them and appart from Viki, you're the only one who subs this drama. I'm not interested in uploading the subs in anyother site. I want them strictly for personal use! ;)
Thank you for picking this drama.
That's fine. :) Is .ass file okay?
Send me an email (mizalburrz @ Hotmail.com) and I'll send them to you.
Yeah, it's perfect! Thank you very much!!!
My e-mail is depi-mel@hotmail.com
where I can download the softsub?
Thank you so much for your wonderful work!!
Hi could I,also have the soft subs,
Thank you! you know your an angel sent from heaven! hahaha btw.. this is pretty stupid question.. but it this hardsubs? or i need to download the softsubs? thanks a lot!!! <3
Thank u so much for subbing this drama. I've been dying to watch this drama with subs.. But the episodes keep getting taken down. I just checked dramacarzy ( where I normally watch all my dramas) and even the raw episode is not there. Cant wait for you to sub epi 4 and 5...Fighting!
THANK YOU!!! i am from lithuania and
ive waited for two weeks for the third episode to be subbed and i was about to give up on this drama (which would have been very sad because i loved the korean, the japanese and im going to love the taiwanese version). i am so happy and grateful to you i cant write it into words:) keep up with the good work. i cant wait to see the third episode:)
Aww, thanks everyone. I'll start on episode 3 soon. I just have other things to catch up on this weekend.
And yes, Kaitleen, these are hardsubbed so you don't need anything extra! =)
I so the you need someone to upload to D -addicts
i have a account, i never upload nothing there.
But if you want help it that, I'm free
OMG thank you so much!
I look everywhere for this drama and you're the only place that I find hardsub ^^
Please continue the excellent work!
Hello. Thanks for your hard work.
You have no idea how glad I am that someone's hardsubbing it, soft subs and I just don't get along! Thanks, and otsukare sama deshita!
Thank you very much for your work! I was looking like crazy for these FB's subs! ^^
thanks a lot, I know what hard work translating and subtitling is!!
Thank You for Subbing this. Now I can patiently waiting your work. Thanks. Fighting
omgg yes. thank you! (:
Thank you so much for all your hard work!!
Thank you for translating this drama! Could you upload subtitles (.srt or .ssa) to d-addicts.com? Because I've already dowloaded HD raw videos.. Thank you!
i realy realy realy apreciate,youre work and i have a little little request: i cant watch the second and the third part of episode3(part2:my computer doesnt recognise and part3:doesnt download the file), could check if there is somethng wrong.im very grateful:))))
The episodes are split using hjsplit, which means they can't be watched by themselves. First download hjsplit (it's free and very small), then use it to "join" the files into one.
I don't know why part 3 wouldn't download. Try again and let me know if it still doesn't work. I'll upload it again for you.
I can't thank you enough!!
Same here, you really rock!!!
Thank you so very much!
I can't watchthe 2nd part on my tab..is there an app I can download to view these. I tried to download an hj split app but was confused to how to use it? If possible can you give step by step explanations
Thank you for subbing this drama! I have a problem with part 1, I can't download it because it says that the link is broken, could you fix it please?
Thanks again for your hard work!
I found a good explanation of using hjsplit here. I'll add it to the main post.
Sorry, I forgot to say which episode! It's part 1 of episode 3. I've tried several times, but it always says that the link is broken.
thanks so much for subbing this show =)
Okay, I reuploaded episode 3 part 1 to another site. See if this works:
Sorry for the delay!
Yes, now it works perfectly. Thank you so much for replying and for letting us enjoy this drama. Have a great day!
Loads of thanks for you hard work!!!
Lita from Russia
I just love you without knowing you!!
Thanx for all you have done. You are awesome!!
dling ep 3&4. Thank you so much for sharing!~^^
Thank you so much for your hard work on this drama! I was looking for it like crazy!
You are awesome! <3
thank you so much, i have been depressing so much about this drama and now i can finally watch. i love you lot
Thank's to you and Viv!
UAU two episodes in one week?!
I love you soooo much ^^
Help...Ep4 part 1 and 3 are broken..
Are you serious?? MediaFire is so weird! Both links are working for me. Why do links work fine for some but not for others?
I'll see about reuploading them tonight. In the meantime, try them again in a different internet browser or something and see if it will come around. ><
The idea of using Different Internet Browser totally worked...
Thank's a lot... >^_^<
Yay! I'll remember to suggest it to anyone else who may have problems. Meanwhile I'm going to start looking into uploading onto a different site...
The link you kept on [Synopsis from DramaWiki]is of wrong drama.
When I click on DramaWiki it goes to the drama(Love,Now)not on (Fabulous Boys)....
Just reminding you...>^_^<
Oh! Thanks, I fixed it. ^^
You can use "Mirrorcreator" to create multiple links for one file, instead of uploading several times on different hosting sites. =)
I want to said thank you i was looking for sub to this twdrama because i saw the original i want to see what different or new thing will but the twain version
Hi. I'm really sorry to be a bother. But...i was curious: are there any updates on ep 5?
Thanks! :)
Actually, yes there is. I forgot to post it yesterday. Viv & I have been busy this week, so it's not finished...but it's kinda close. Here, I'll update the progress page.
Hooray! Thanks so much for you and viv's hard work! ^^
We look forward to ep 5 !
Thanks for all the effort you and Viv have put into these subs!! ^^
Thanks a lot for translating!! My Chinese understanding is only mediocre and I'm really grateful you're willing to spend time compiling subs for everyone x)
I just want to say one word : THANKS !! I'm french, but i can understand english and i was so happy when i fall on your website *--*
Thank you !!!!
Thank you SO much! I was sitting up really late just waiting for the download links to ep 5 to pop up! <3 :)
Thanks again for doing this, you're awesome!!!
Oh, don't do that! I'm not nearly reliable enough, and uploading takes so long! ><
But I'm glad I got it out before you gave up. =3 Enjoy episode 5!
Thank you so much for doing this! I REALLY appreciate your hard work and I hope you can keep translating it until the end! Ganbatte! (^.^)
Eps 5 part 002 cannot be downloaded. Pls help..
It's working for me. D= MediaFire does weird things like that sometimes. Try downloading it from another internet browser.
thank you so much...
please hang on to completed this drama..
it's hard to find someone kind enough to sub taiwanese dramas like you,.
ganbatte ne :P
jia yo~
I am waiting for the episode 6 to 13 to have a Eng sub hope it will be done so soon .so that i can finally complete watch the drama so nice and wonderful drama a lot .keep it up Guys and do your best to make the Eng sub possible thanks you so much .
Thank You so much for taking the time to sub this drama! You guys are the only group I know subbing this drama, so thanks for taking the project on board! Its such a cute drama! I've only seen 2 eps and i REALLY LOVE IT :D <3 thanks a billion <3
Thanks so much for working on the subs even as you're already busy with your weekend plans! And thank you very much Viv for translating!! :D
You two are so amazing!!!
Gracias! Thank you so much for your hard work!! It's a great drama, and now we can watch one more episode, yeyy!!
wow, you guys are so fast with the release of the episodes... thank you both for your hard work and keep going! :)
i just want to say a very big THANKS A LOT! for subbing fabulous boys! :)) thank you so much! more power!
Thank you so much! You rock! *hugs* :D
finally i found some one subbing this.. thank you so much, may god bless you ^^
im at ep5, yeah i know.. im slow coz i just found ur works.. nice. great work... thank you so much, you are my life savior... heheehhe..
Thank you for subbing this. I was looking and looking...
Great subs....
hi i cant seem to download the links? what seems to be the problem ? honmich_nickz@yahoo.com heres my email thank you :)
Thank you so much for subbing this! I really appeciate all your hard work.r
Thanks so much for your work. Only I am having some trouble joining the files on a Mac 10.6.8. I've tried Split & Concat 2.5 and 3.0, Chunkjoiner 2.2 and HJSplit GUI. Any suggestions?
Otherwise I can only watch the first 1/3 without sound! :(
you can install uTorrent if you don't have it already. and torrent the HD raw episodes from d-addicts. then use the softsub files to watch the eps.
here, email me for more info
thank you so much for subbing this, i love it so much and am glad some one is still subbing it. i love you
Thank you for epi 7:) I want to thank you again for all your hard work. An angel in disguise you are......
Thank you 谢谢你
Can't wait for episode 8 and 9 :). btw, thanks
thank you for your hard work!
thanks for the new eps. man I feel so stupid I just realized since you said its only hardsubbed right now that you were also hardsubbing this show ive been using the softsubs but I much prefer hardsubs so now im redownloading everything haha thanks again
Haha, I prefer hardsubs too. I will warn you, though, that the hardsubs are a little grainy. I had to stick to standard quality because my internet takes so long to upload big files. ><
But you can take a look at the hardsubs yourself to see if the quality is good enough for you.
Once again I thank you for all your hard work....
Thank you so much..Really appreciate your hard work..
I know you are doing this for us with no profit..So I feel a little bad.
So why don't you link your download links with Adlfly or something. I heard you can earn money by just visiting the link and it's not so much hassle for us to download too.
If you don't want to then it's okay too. I just wanted to thank you more because just saying thank you doesn't feels enough...>^_^<
Thank you very much from Russia. We wouldn't have the opportunity to watch this great drama without your work.
Omg, soon ep 9! <3
Wow 2 episodes at once. What a bonus to us. Thank you very much. You're the best.
Thank you so much for your hard work and for releasing 2 episodes at once.
You're fabulous! :-)
Thank you very much for your work:D You are really an amazing person!
Thanks so much for the subs! You guys are so awesome!
Thanks a lot for your subs! Thanks to you I am enjoying a lot this drama (^___^).
thank u so much.
hope u'll be able to finish the project soon.
Thank you guys for all the time you've put into subbing this drama!! :)
You're all awesome! Thank you so so much for subbing this drama..<3
thanks once again to you both =)
do you guys have plans to sub any other dramas? if so can I ask do you have any in mind?
Thank you for ep 10 and all your hard work :) Much appreciated.
Just to say thank you for all your hard work in subbing this! It is very much appreciated =D
Hello! Thank you so much for subbing Fabulous Boys! You're so great! If it's not much trouble, can you also do the subs for the behind the scenes after the show finishes? Just a suggestion (request really but it's up to you. :D )
Thanks again!
you sub so fast! thank you so much! Will you also be subbing the Fabulous Boys bts? =D
Thank you so much for your work! :)
BTS subs would be awesome... Thats a good question but are there any RAW files? o.o
Oooh, BTS~ I didn't even know about them.
Yeah. If I can, I'll see about doing the BTS clips too!
Thanks for subbing! =3 Cant help to check every few hours if there's progress XD
(I'm not saying you should do it faster, in case you were thinking that o-o)
I've actually already been subbing the BTS, but because i've been caught up with translating the eps, i haven't been uploading more subbed bts. But, i think once i'm done translating ep 12, i'll spend a day to upload the bts for eps 3,4,5,6, and 7. and then the rest another day. here's the link for ep 1 bts:
note: starting from ep 4, the bts clips will be available in HD.
Well. There ya go. =D
Viv, would it be okay for me to share these as a playlist here on the blog?
Yeah Eliz, of course, of course...! ^^
Hey Viv,
Ah i found that on youtube already. So that's you... ^^
Great, no stress please and thank you! ;)
wow, both of you work so fast. tqvm. really appreciate all of your hardwork.
Hi :) is .003 of ep.11 broken? :( i can't download it :( thanks is advance~
It's working for me. Sometimes MediaFire links will randomly malfunction. Try again using a different internet browser.
why i cant see the ep 11 and 12 in Gooddrama.net wish you can finally upload it there .thank you for your hard work .
The 13th episode has aired!!! Although I know what happens, I'll wait for the subs to watch it! Please please hurry!!!! :P
Thank you soooo much to both of you for your hard work.
I'm so sad that it comes to an end.
Thanks again!!! :-)
Thanks for all the hard work that you did in subbing this drama.
Hey there,
I've been looking EVERYWHERE to watch Fabulous Boys in HD and I finally found your blog!
However,my computer wouldn't let me downlaod HJ Split to watch the episdoes with ...
Is it possible to download the episodes another way? Thanks!
If you can watch with softsubs, you can torrent the HD version from d-addicts and get the softsubs from this page. (I have a link on that page to the d-addicts downloads.)
That would actually be the better method, because the hardsubs on this page actually aren't in HD. ><
Thank you very much for subbing this! It's really a pity that so few Taiwanese and Chinese dramas are getting subbed.
Thanks for all your hard work!!
thanks for all your hard please i need ep 13 so badly thank you very much
Thank you so so so much Eliz and Viv!! I'm off to watch ep 13 now~
thanks so much loving this drama cant believe its over you two were great and super fast hope to see another drama from you guys soon (besides love now I mean haha)
thanks for your hardwork but I couldn't download second part of episode 13... can you fix it, please!
thank you so much and congratulation for completing this serie! :)
you two have worked so fast. never seen this before. good job! AND thank you so much for the decision to releasing soft subs! ^^
Thank you so much for all of your hard work on this!!
Thank you a lot for your hard work
WOW! You guys are incredible. Thank you so much for all the effort and time you put into this drama!
You're really welcome, guys! =D
It was exciting to have so many people watch my subs!
Alas, we don't plan on picking up any new projects. I'm going back to school soon and I have a feeling my progress is going to slow down a lot...
If ever a link doesn't work, try it again from a different web browser. =3
Thank you very much for completing this project!
Thank you for the show and all your hard work. Greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much for your efforts and dedication. I appreciate it very much.
What will your next project be? Your blog site is so nicely done.
Thanks again!!!!
Thank you so much for subbing this ^^
You're an ANGEL!!! Thank you so much for your hard work in translating everything and for being so kind to share!!! Take care! ^^
Thank you so much to both of you for your dedication and all your hard work. It was a really nice drama. :-) <3
I would like to extend my deepest and sincerest CONGRATULATIONS to the people who worked so hard in getting this drama completed. I am a very huge fan of Jiro Wang and seeing him in this drama, just completes me. THANK YOU EVERYONE for making this drama possible to watch evenif I am in the Philippines.
thank you so much for taking time to sub this series quickly! :) I was worried no one would sub this (or it would take forever). Great for Jiro Wang fans :P
Even if the quality of the Korean version was way better, Fabulous Boys was pretty fantastic. Xin Yu is actually > Shin Woo! :O
Thanks again!
Really appreciate your hard work in subbing this drama. Big Thank you!
Thanks so much for subbing this drama!!!^^
Hei Xiao,
can I retranslate this subs into bahasa ?
thanks :D
Thank you so much for the subs!!
Sure, you can retranslate my subs. Go for it! =)
Wah, thanks xiao :p
Thank you SO MUCH from Poland for this series!!! Lots of hugs!
Thanks a lot and a billion times for translating this great drama and ur hard work.
May I ask You If it possible for you to translate KO one2..?
it`s really great drama, but it hasn`t been subbed.
anyway..thanks a lot.love u ;0
Huge thanks for translating and subbing this drama! 8Db
can you sub the drama heirs
Taking all of these. Thank you for your hardwork!
Thank you so much for these! I thought I would be looking for these forever! ^^ GOD bless yoouuu~!!
do you have any episode with English subtitles??? thank you very much!! :-)
do you have any episode with English subtitles??? thank you very much!! :-)
Thanks for all your hard work in subbing this drama.
Thank you for translation of the songs in fabulous boys , now i have a filipino / tagalog version of Hao bu hao or Be with me .
Thank you so very much for sharing this!
I don't remember crying/feeling sad as much as when I was watching this show. Truely touched me. I really wish that they have some kind of continuation. Really nice show. I would like to thank you Xiao Zero for subbing this show, without your efforts, I would not have experience the feelings I have right now.
Thank you very much for sharing, really appreciated! I will enjoy this. :)
Hello! It is better late than never. I just googled this show and thank you for your hardwork in sharing the english subs for subbing this show and other similar shows! God bless and keep safe.
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